Friday, January 19, 2007

You've got to know when to hold em

Another last for me, my last UK poker night with "the boys"...and absolute 'mare to get in and out as all the trains stopped working in the wind. But always worth it, especially for such a big turn out. We had Fingers, The Professional, Krusty, Sharon, Wassy, Stretch, Piles and Little Simon all vying for the biggest pot in the history of the game.
Things all started off to plan, The Professional and Krusty kept losing and I kept winning. Shenanigans were called several times due to our incompetence and effects of the beer - but as usual it all came down to the last 3 hands. Wassy, pulled the biggest one out of his arse to win about 20,000 in chips and secure 1st place. Krusty as usual, then came 2nd (from behind) to win his money back.
There is nothing like getting pissed with the boys and talking a whole load of nonsense. Wassy had to win stupidest comment with his "whose chips are those?" referring to Mark, who had been there 2 hours before going for a whiz... how he ended up winning is testement to how bad we must be.
Still, The Professional (aka Jonno) still hasn't won - despite telling everyone else what they were doing wrong (while they were beating him I might add) is always satisfying... :) hee hee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you blow goats