Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Jambo !

That's right...we are now speaking Swahili :)
What a difference a good nights kip, some sunshine and a belly full of delicious breakfast can make... After briefly thinking 'what the heck am I doing here' last night, and planning a full scale retreat to somewhere more 'western' - today turned that all around.

Food fantastic, weather Beauuudiful, people and place is lovely - just not what I was expecting. We ran around the town today like locals, only getting lost once...bought a couple of paintings that may and may not make it back to Mum and Dad in Townsville - and started the process of chilling out properly, and getting all the rush rush London out of our system.

And damn, they do know how to cook octopus on the grill - and prawns here are NOT shrimp, they are real man size and oh so tasty :) As you can imagine this is making me very happy and of no interest to Josie.

So we have had a cracker of a day, and tomorrow are off the East Coast, for the beach proper for further unwinding, some navel gazing and I will probably do a lot of scratching my err, head :)

Bring it on ;)

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