Monday, January 22, 2007

An airport farewell

Well, we have a few minutes to spare as we inhabit probably the closest thing we will have to a home for the next 3 months....the airport waiting lounge. A place that always seems poorly designed to look after you for several hours of waiting, unless you consider drinking or shopping yourself into a stupor.

It is a bitter sweet parting for us..Josie moves further from home, while I move closer. We head for a stonking holiday but have to leave our friends behind...

Thanks again too all who have supported our homelessness and moochinesses... we have a great time flitting over the uk and drinking the drinks that needed to be drunk.

Strange to say this, but I am definitely going home more Pom than I ever would have bet arriving 5 years ago...don't get me wrong, there is still nothing finer that kicking the poms at any sport... but there is also some good ol fashioned grit in the Queen's men and women.

The barmy army always say it best...and from Old Trafford that bloody "we are the army" song still haunts my quieter moments...but I am all the better for it ;)

So all the best, and speak with you time hopefully from Zanzibar...the airlines and visa people willing. Otherwise, it will be another foul mouthed tirade from another internet airport station when access for 10 minutes costs either a kidney or pint of blood.

Bring on the sun, the sun and more sun...with a bit of sea, and one more does of sun for good measure.

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