Monday, March 19, 2007

Sunshine and early starts

Well the sun would have greeted us in the morning - had we got up at a respectable hour !! I mean 5 am is just crazy - we had to wade knee deep through the flood waters to get to breakfast in the dark (due to the river swollen even more)...scoffed our food and headed onto the truck.

Morale was surprising good, given the rain, general wetness and shitty game drive the day before - and the first blooms of romance started as Dan (the bright red pommy DJ)drunkingly snogged little Frenchy the night before. She was straight onto him on the truck as we got underway - much to our amusement.

The drive was long, but broken by seeing quite a few elephants by the road - which made Josie's trip more enjoyable. She also was not getting motionsick - thank heavens as that could have made for a miserable trip indeed! We even found some 500 card players and this helps pass the time - and Josie got the chance to try out her new skills against decent players.... I think we lost the first 2 games, the second one was only narrowly though !

Arriving into camp after a nearly full day drive we went about the usual routine of race to find the best tent site - needs to be away from lights, the camp Snorers (Josh and Cyrus) and in the shade. It can be hard to get all three !! Josh's snoring is nothing short of spectacular - quite frightening in the middle of the night when you need to pee, but probably why we were not attacked by any animals.

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