Monday, February 19, 2007

Here Tiger Tiger Tiger

What's that you say, there are no tigers in Africa? But you would be wrong, they have the best kind - they have Tiger Fish! And Josie and I are back from a mornings fishing on the mighty Zambezi ! And we have wrestled with the mighty Tigers - and came out about even...

...with all the water, and based on input from others I was worried we wouldn't even catch a fish - let along a tiger. The day started early (as all good fishing adventures should - 6.30am) with a 30 minute drive and then we were on the water. Only about 10 mins up the river and our lines were wet.

For those of you who are not into fishing, or have never fished this might be quite a boring read... but I am addicted, and Josie is only marginally less enthusiastic. So where was I, oh ,yeah - the 1st spot. We were drift fishing with dead I have never been keen on this type of fishing, normally only resulting in lots of snags and frustration - but Ralph was the boss. Now the 1st hour we didn't really get the jist of the whole technique - which meant no fish. But then, it all started to happen.

Unfortunately, Josie got the 1st fish - which is bad news when it is just the two of us and one has bragging rights - but it was a wee catfish, barely out of kindegarden. So first blood, but not too much harm done. I immediately levelled the tally with a catty of my own, but if Josie's was from kindy, this one was maybe grade 3 or 4... So we moved, bad spot now Ralph says, the catfish will all arrive. So we move over to the other side of the river.

make sure you have the right picture in your head here - it is a cracking day, narry a cloud, the swollen river is rushing past, hippos are grunting in the background, and we are in a lovely decked out fishing tinny, with an esky full of cold drinks. So we mosy over to the trees on the other side and start getting the hang of how to fish. And it must be about 15 mins before Josie lets of a holler - and sure enough it is a TIGER! How can you tell, we the bugger jumps like a barra or queenfish and fights like, err well a tiger. But the fish gets lucky and throws the hook at the side of the boat.

So of course, I am not too polite when fishing and lob my bait right in where Josies was....and.....nothing. Josie gets a new bait and plop...and....SMASH ! Another bloody one. Dancing on the water, the drag screaming....and this one she got safely into the boat. Now I was in trouble. She was taking the piss big time and even Ralph was joining in ! So I gritted my teeth and kept at it. Sure enough, I got lucky - but my tiger was a kitten, still in nappys. SO this actually made it worse - the ribbing went up another level !! Bastards.

However, I then managed to get onto another 1, slightly bigger and start winning some pride back. But Josie, jammy as only a Paddy can be, managed to bring in another 2. We lost some BIG ones - which was exciting....but had a cracking day. I am keen to go out again, the fishing bug is biting like the mossies are biting Josie ! But we will see - a lot to do and so little money ;)

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